What is the purpose of the Dillon Cove Association (“DCA”)?

The DCA was established to create a common voice to address the collective needs and interests of the Dillon Cove area and to foster community spirit.

The DCA will focus on a variety of initiatives, including:

The DCA is committed to ensuring the Dillon Cove community remains a vibrant and enjoyable place for all its members.

Was the DCA formed because of the pending marina sale? 

The pending sale served to highlight that there are issues unique to the Dillon Cove community and that local residents would benefit from an organization that is focused on protecting and promoting these interests.  The DCA is being formed at a critical time where the access, service and community provided by the marina can no longer be taken for granted. Furthermore, we believe its important mission will continue to deliver value to its members long into the future.

If I join the DCA, does that mean I no longer need to support the Georgian Bay Association (‘GBA’) or the West Carling Association (‘WCA’)?

No, each organization has a distinctive and important mandate.  Accordingly, the best way to continue to support the different objectives of these Associations is to maintain your membership.

There are several cottagers’ associations – GBA, WCA, among others.  Why join the DCA?

The DCA is the only organization exclusively focused on the unique needs of the Dillon Cove community.

Will the DCA play some role in buying the marina?

No, the DCA was not formed to purchase the marina.  The DCA was established to be a strong voice and advocate for local interests and to foster community, now and in the future. 

What are the fees for the DCA?

First year membership is $500. This includes a $400 initiation fee and $100 Annual Membership dues.  The initiation fee is a one-time fee for the cost of setting up the Association.  The Annual Membership dues cover ongoing costs including fees to government agencies, costs for setting up and maintaining the website and membership database, legal and accounting fees, and directors’ and officers’ liability insurance.

Why are the fees higher than other associations?  Will this always be the case?

The DCA is a not-for-profit organization, and its membership fees are designed to cover expected costs.  We are still in the early stage of setting up the association, and we will need enough funds to cover the initial set up costs plus the first-year operating costs.  We expect our membership base to be small relative to other cottagers’ associations, given the relatively small geographic footprint. Each year fees will be reassessed.

What is DCA’s membership year?

The DCA’s membership year runs from April 1 through March 31.

How do I join?

To join, first visit our Signup form.  Once accepted you will have access to update your personal information, including contact details and be given instructions on how to pay for your membership.